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[1] Published Articles - Peer-Review Academic Journals
[22] Pili, G. (2024). "A Military Intelligence Leader : Major General Jack J. Leide (ret.): Professional Courage—My Journey in Military Intelligence through Peace, Crisis, and War Independent Publishing, 2023," 460 p., $29.00 (hardback). International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 1–3.
[21] Gaspard, J. J., Pili, G., (2024), “A new wave of intelligence theory: A New Model for Intelligence Education", Intelligence and National Security,
[20] Armenzoni, A., Pili, G., (2024), "Fighting Shadows and Ghosts - A Conceptual Framework for Identification Deception Tactics (IDTs) and MARINE Approach", MarCas Proceedings, IEEE LCN 2024.
[19] Pili, G., Gaspard, J. J., (2024), “A new wave of intelligence theory”, in De Werd, P., (Ed.), Special Forum on intelligence and theory, in Intelligence and National Security, 1–24.
[18] Pili, G., (2023), "A New Theory of Surprise – Unraveling the Logic of Uncertainty and Knowledge," Intelligence and National Security, 39(4), 695–708,
[17] Pili, G., (2023), "War is not our Profession – Paradoxes for a Moralization and Morality of War," Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy, 2, 2023, 132-147,
[16] Gaspard, J.J.S., Pili, G., (2022), Special Issue: Integrating intelligence theory with philosophy, Intelligence and National Security.
[15] Pili, G., Byrne, J., Byrne, J., and G., Somerville, (2022), "Hard Target: Open-Source Intelligence and the Case of North Korea," 1:39, 54-65.
[14] Gaspard, J.J.S., Pili, G., (2022), "Integrating intelligence theory with philosophy: introduction to the special issue," Intelligence and National Security, DOI: 10.1080/02684527.2022.2076327. 2 Introduction to the special issue
[13] Pili, G., (2022), "Deciphering intelligence analysis - The synthetic nature of the core intelligence function," Intelligence and National Security, 38:1, 128-142, DOI: 10.1080/02684527.2022.2041947
[12] Caligiuri, M. & G., Pili, (2021) "Italian Intelligence Studies Literature - Understanding the state of play - A comparative perspective," 23:3, 281-309, The International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs,
[11] Margoni, F., & G., Pili, (2021), “Social Dominance Orientation Predicts Civil and Military Intelligence Analysts’ Utilitarian Responses to Ethics-of-Intelligence Dilemmas”, Current Psychology, (H-Index 41, Q2, Psychology).
[10] Pili, G., (2021), “Be coherent with yourself! A pluralistic approach to objectivity for intelligence analysis”, American Intelligence Journal, 38:1, 96-103.
[9] Pili, G., (2021). “The Missing Dimension—Intelligence and Social Epistemology: A Reply to Miller’s ‘Rethinking the Just Intelligence Theory of National Security Intelligence Collection and Analysis.” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10:7, 1-9.
[8] Pili, G., (2021), “Why HAL 9000 is not the future of intelligence analysis: Intelligence analysis in the 21st century”, The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 4:1, 40–60.
[7] Minniti, F., & G., Pili, (2020), “What Happened? After-Effects of the 2007 Reform Legislation of the Italian Intelligence Community”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 33:3, 575-601
[6] Pili, G., (2020), “The Wild Bunch is Enrolled to the Army - Sorites Paradox and the Problems for the Ontology of War”, Areté – International Journal of Philosophy, Human & Social Sciences, 5, 231-249.
[5] Pili, G., (2019), “Is a Chess Player an Intelligence Analyst? How to Learn from Chess how to Improve Intelligence Analysis”, American Intelligence Journal, 36:2, 75-86.
[4] Pili, G., (2019), “Intelligence and Social Epistemology - Toward a Social Epistemological Theory of Intelligence”, Social Epistemology, 33:6, 574-592.
[3] Pili, G., (2019), “Toward a Philosophical Definition of Intelligence”, The International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs, 21:2, 162-190.
[2] Pili, G., (2019), “Intelligence and Social Knowledge – A Philosophical Inquiring on the Social Epistemological Nature of Intelligence as a State Institution”, RISR, 19/20. 397-418.
[1] Pili, G., (2018), “Epistemology and Intelligence – Some Philosophical Problems to be Solved”, The International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs, 20:3, 252-270.
[2] Commentaries and Reports
Pili, G., (2024), "Sea drones at war: Tactical, operational and strategic analysis of maritime uncrewed systems", European Security & Defence (Bonn (GER)).
Armenzoni, A., Pili, G., Kessler, G., (2024), "Red Flags: Russian Oil Tradecraft in the Mediterranean Sea", US Naval Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 150/6/1,456.
Pili, G., Minniti, F., (2024), "Shoigu’s Removal and the Instability of Putin’s Regime", Royal United Services Institute, (London, UK).
Pili, G., Crawford, J., Minniti, F., Armenzoni, A., (2024), "Sull Ex Viceministro Della Difesa Russo Timur Ivanov Possibile Architetto Della Flotta Fantasma Arrestato In Russia," Difesa Online, Rome.
Kolodii, R., Pili, G., Crawford, J., (2024), "Hi-Tech, High Risk? Russo-Chinese Cooperation on Emerging Technologies", Royal United Services Institute, London.
Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., and R., Kolodii, (2024), "Smooth Sailing? The Strategic Relevance of (Un)contested Control of the Black Sea," European Security & Defence (Bonn (GER)).
Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., (2023), "Ghost ship - Russia’s secret naval fleet", NATO Defence College, Outlook 01-2023.
Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., (2023), "Russia Is Violating the Montreux Convention with Civilian Ships", US Naval Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 149/9/1,447.
Pili, G., Crawford, J., Loxton, N., (2023), "Greyzone Lawfare: Russia and the Voyages of the SPARTA IV", Royal United Services Institute, London.
Svoboda, K., Pili, G., Crawford, J., (2023), "Driving towards a brighter past? A ‘Brezhnevisation’ of Putin’s internal market", Royal United Services Institute, London.
Phillips, L., Pili, G., Corbett, S., (2023), "Ponghwa Chemical Factory: North Korea’s Chemical Facilities: Site Profile 1", Royal United Services Institute, London.
Byrne, J., Byrne, J., Harries, M., Phillips, L., Pili, G., (2023) "Toxic Inheritance: Assessing North Korea's Chemical Weapons Capability", Royal United Services Institute, London.
Jewell, E., Pili, G., Bremer, I., Byrne, J., (2022), "North Korea likely acquired ship that sailed from Busan to Nampho: Investigation," NKNews.
Kaushal, S., Byrne, J., Byrne, J., Pili G., and G., Somerville, (2022), "The Balance of Power Between Russia and NATO in the Arctic and High North," Whitehall Paper, Royal United Services Institute, London.
Minniti, F., Pili, G., (2022), "Zapad 2013-2021 - A doctrinal analysis", Commentary, Royal United Services Institute.
Byrne, J., Byrne, J., Pili, G., (2021), "North Korea’s Oil Terminals Come Back to Life as Imports Breach UNSC Cap", Royal United Services Institute, London.
[3] Books (Italian)
Pili, G., Kolodii, R., (Eds.) (2024), Intelligence & Interviews - Il mondo dell’intelligence in Ventotto interviste, Rome (ITA): Societa' Italiana di Storia Militare & Nadir Media,
Pili, G. & M., Caligiuri, (2020), Intelligence Studies - A comparison between the Italian and international intelligence studies, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
Pili, G., (2015), Philosophy of war, Rome: Aracne.
Pili, G., (2019), Even Kant Loved Clockwork Orange, Petite Plaisance, Pistoia.
Pili, G., (ed), (2019), Socrate Goes to War, Bologna: Le Due Torri.
Pili, G., & G.F., Carrus, (2018), The Cold War - A guide to the biggest confrontation of the XX century, Bologna: Le Due Torri.
Pili, G., (2014), The Eternal Battle of the Mind - Chess and Philosophy of War, Bologna: Le Due Torri.
Pili, G., (2012), Chess and Philosophy of War, Bologna: Le Due Torri.
[4] Articles & Relevant Posts (Selected)
Pili, G., Angeletti F., (2019), “BREXIT and Terrorism: EU Law on Terrorism Facing the Threat of BREXIT”, Brexit Institute, Dublin City University
Pili, G., (2019), “UK and EU Intelligence Communities in an Age of Durable Disorder After Brexit”, Brexit Institute, Dublin City University
Pili, G., (2019), "Formazione di uno scacchista da giovane - Gli scacchi come modello della vita ordinaria", Anemos, IX:33: 26-32.
[6] Book Chapters
Pili, G., (2021), "Intelligence tra scacchi e guerra" in Mogranzini R., (ed), Scacchi e Management, Milano: Sole24Ore.
Pili, G., (2019), “Filosofia e intelligence”, in Pili G., Socrate va in guerra, Le Due Torri, Bologna, pp. 71-91.
Pili, G., (2018), “Conrad oltre la tenebra”, in Cozzi C., (ed), (2018), Scrivere di filosofia, Le Due Torri, Bologna (Italy).
Pili, G., (2017) “Cryptography”, in Ilari V., Della Torre G., (eds.), (2017), Economic Warfare, Acies Edizioni, Rome (Italy).
Pili, G., (2016), “Scacco all’Imperatore. Note epistemologiche alla partita di Schönbrunn”, in Ilari V., (2016), Future wars, Acies, Rome (Italy).
Pili, G., (2014), “Chi fu Emanuel Lasker” in Moneta (ed), 57 Storie di Scacchi, Brescia: Messaggerie scacchistiche, pp. 39-42.
Pili, G., (2014), “Il giocatore di scacchi di Maelzel” in Moneta (ed), 57 Storie di Scacchi, Brescia: Messaggerie scacchistiche, pp. 92-96.
Pili, G., (2014), “Enrico Pili, uno scacchista silenzioso” in Moneta (ed), 57 Storie di Scacchi, Brescia: Messaggerie scacchistiche, pp. 143-150.
Pili, G., (2014), “Siamo tutti una stessa gente” in Moneta (ed), 57 Storie di Scacchi, Brescia: Messaggerie scacchistiche, pp. 162-165.
[7] Reviews
Pili, G., (2021), "Military Intelligence negli Intelligence Studies - Introduzione alle recensioni ," Nuova Antologia Militare, (2):1, 521-523.
Pili, G., (2021), "Christopher Andrew & David dills (eds), - The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence - Communities in the Twentieth Century, Nuova Antologia Militare, (2):1, 523-528
Pili, G., (2021), "Richard J. Heuer - Psychology of Intelligence Analysis," Nuova Antologia Militare, (2):1, 529-532.
Pili, G., (2021), "Peter Gill, Mark Phythian, Stephen Marrin (Eds.) - Intelligence Theory - Key Questions and Debates," Nuova Antologia Militare, (2):1, 533-537.
Pili, G., (2021), "Jan Goldman - Words of Intelligence – A Dictionary," Nuova Antologia Militare, (2):1, 539-544.
Pili, G., (2021), "James P. Finley (Ed.) - US Army Military Intelligence History: A Sourcebook," Nuova Antologia Militare, (2):1, 545-548.